Tuesday, 22 April 2014


To Dream is to be alive.
Yes the present is important and it is something that we all need to focus on, but having a dream does not just mean thinking and pondering about the future. No, having a dream means having aspirations, goals, something we work hard towards therefore dreams are in a way 'healthy' because we use that inspiration to bring us through our present. 

For those who are also working towards something in their life.

I know I haven't been posting in here for a long time. I wanted to post regularly, but 'life' during these past months have had me occupied physically and mentally. Actually,  I have drafts that I wrote months ago, but just haven't really finished them off and part of me can't be bothered, but then I don't want to post something uncompleted...I'll have to see. I will be pretty busy for the next two months, but then afterwards, I'll be ready to post the ideas I've had in mind for a while plus anything else that may come up.

Dream-a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.

"I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion"
synonyms: ambition, aspiration, hope

To have that ambition is important. If someone had no dream, then what would be the point of doing work and going through education, jobs, etc. when you don't think anything will happen afterwards? Thus with dreams, we can use that to fuel ourselves when rough times emotionally drain us. I'm pretty sure a lot of you have experienced that. Times when you've felt like your efforts are not making any progress, moments when you've felt utterly useless and sometimes situations where people have lost their faith in you. It's difficult, yes. Extremely difficult when others doubt you and your abilities. As with my previous post regarding Success, it's a similar thing, as it is about pushing through the hard times because you know it will be worth it. Having that drive is what makes achievements taste sweeter. People may push you away, bring you down, laugh at your dream, but as long as you know and realise the effort you need to put in and the sacrifices you may need to make, it doesn't matter what they think. Of course, one needs to think realistically because dreaming about becoming an astronaut when you don't bother to study and spend most of your time relaxing and chilling with friends, will obviously most likely not work out. But if you know yourself what you are capable of and open to learn, then that dear people is what we call "no impossibilities". I could go on longer and perhaps not make sense to a lot of you on my thoughts, but I think I should leave it here. The video is beautifully pieced together: the images and the music helps create atmosphere too. ;)

I shared the above video about two months ago on a social networking site. Note, this video is not made by me. No copyright infringement intended. All for the purpose of sharing the wonderful message it gives. I was looking at past videos that helped pumped me up when I was younger and I came across this one. I had already seen it beforehand, ages ago, but watching it again, just made me...just made me think again, you know? Sometimes, we need them little boosts and lift-me-ups that help us get through situations. This video for me is rather intense, because it really strikes a cord and resonates with my life. I am sharing this video because I think that others may hopefully also appreciate it and use to put one's self back to the 'A-game'. A lot of students of a wide age range, will be doing exams this month and the next few months, and so basically this is a reminder of our dreams. A reminder of the reason behind the hard work we have been and will be putting in!


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