Monday, 14 July 2014

Start Summer 2014

First, I apologise for the fact that I haven't blogged anything really like practically the WHOLE year, with the exception of my New Year's post and my Dream post of course. But hey-ho, we still have the other half of the year and Summer 2014 has officially started for me! I've been extremely busy physically, emotionally and mentally (I'm not so sure if that even makes sense), like seriously, I don't think people will understand how intense these past few months have been, but I hope i'll make up for my lack of posts this summer. =) So I was wondering, how should I start my posts for this summer...And I was thinking, "Hey, why not a simple one?"

Ok, so I started writing this like back in May...I hadn't finished this post,but I didn't want to just waste the things I had already typed out. So I'l just carry on and make a few tweaks. Apologies.

So it's that time of the year again, when we all hope for the best weather and students are free from exams (for now), however where I'm located right now, the weather is pretty much unpredictable-BUT they are saying that this summer will be really hot and sunny. Hoping for that! I like sunny weather but I don't like literally sitting out in the sun and roasting, HaHa. I know in other parts of the world, summer vacation for them guys are kinda over now, but for this part of the world, summer is starting!

We have a few months ahead of us to simply enjoy life. Create memories with great people. Meet new people. Meet up with old friends and those you haven't seen in a while. Try and experience new things. Do projects that you've been wanting to do, but haven't had the time to get around to it. Whatever they might be, I think it's really important just to appreciate the moment and the people you're with. Sometimes, the world and society in general, just demands so much from each and every one of us. There's high expectations in things we do and I suppose it depends on the individual, but I also think that we are becoming more and more ambitious. Don't get me wrong, I personally think ambition, dreaming and working hard is important-in fact, I think they're extremely important. People just get so worked up in trying to reach perfection, but think about it: "perfection is not attainable, but if chase perfection we can catch excellence" . However, there's a difference in 'chasing perfection' and trying to be absolutely perfect. Now this might not even make sense (I know I've already said that once in this post), but let's just step back, realise how the word perfection can actually mean different things to people. That's the thing though. Perfection is different for each person, but we find that some people are trying to reach other people's perfection. They see other people's lives and want it to be mirrored in theirs or even, other people trying to mould you into what they think it is. However, who is to say what true perfection is? Indeed, it's a matter of how you want to live your life. What you want to achieve and do.

Now I seem like I'm going off on a tangent, but hopefully you can find some relevance, HaHa. So back to where I was? Ah, yes...I like the fact the people work hard for achieving their goals, but sometimes people tend to push others away. If you work so hard in trying reach something, yet blocked everyone off, what happens when you've reached your goal? Who will be there to congratulate you? Who will be there to know how much you've been through to get to where you are now? So the thing I'm saying is, it's important to work hard for something, but if we don't balance your life with the things that make you happy, then you'll end up digging yourself in a whole for you and only you. Now that's a lonely thing. Especially for students, like those who have been working their butts of for exams, summer is now the time to spend time doing good things! You read and get told about how you should enjoy life and blah blah, but it doesn't mean to laze around when instead you ned to be working hard...You get my drift. So if we're trying to have that balance, the times to do fun things or laze is this time of the year.

Take photos, videos, items, etc. as memories, but remember to enjoy the moments first.
I hope you all have been having a great summer so far and will have an awesome time in the weeks to come!


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