Thursday, 11 August 2016

๐ŸŒŸ WithinOneWorld: Relaunch

I'm Back, Back, Back Again

Bonjour tout le monde!

WithinOneWorld has had a little bit of rework done to it, so it's sort of like a relaunch.

It has been a while indeed since I last posted and it seems that I often find myself on repeat about how I don't post that much. The current trend since I actually started this blog, appears to be about a few posts a year.

Despite what you might think about how I have neglected my blog, I have in fact been thinking of random ideas and things throughout the year. As per, I have been either lazy or too busy to find the time to get going on an actual post. I often find myself in the middle of the night bursting with thoughts and ideas, that I make a lot of lists. Ones that allow my creative juices flow, but the catch is that I don't do a lot of them. Crikey, that's no good is it?

Trust me, for this relaunch, I have spent hours and HOURS finding, checking, re-doing things, etc. It's all been a bit stressful really considering you do a lot of work that doesn't seem a lot to other people. I hadn't dealt that close with html in such a long time.

Hopefully this time, there'll be a bit more success in terms of getting content out but I'm a busy student so I've got to be realistic. Some posts will be long quite lengthy, some medium, some short and some mainly pictures. I document whatever happens and what I feel like. Whether you're here for the pictures or enjoy a read, I hope you'll like it.

Well, once again, I am back from my hiatus and ready to share with you guys. So stick around and hopefully y'all enjoy!

Bien ร  vous,
It was pretty dramatic.


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