This post will be short, yet hopefully handy. ^ ^
Note: In no way am I told to advertise these websites. They are simply useful in terms of peoples' reviews and opinions on them.
First, I have a few websites to mention.
- Get Into Medicine-this website is 'made by medical students of today'. I suggest you try this website because it's free (we all like that don't we?). You will find tutorials, practice questions and UKCAT top tips. Unfortunately, they do not have a section on the Situational Judgement Test at the moment, however, hopefully they will be putting one up soon.
- Practice Questions and Useful Resources-I know this isn't really a website, but rather a link to a page in the Student Room. Although not recently updated since a few years ago, you will find a pretty long list of useful websites and links to some resources for the UKCAT.
- UKCAThelp-I would say this website is extremely useful, especially if you've already spent a lot of money on books and subscriptions to other UKCAT stuff. It's free, which is a good thing and it has an alright amount of practice sets. A bonus compared to the getintomedicine website, is that it has some practice on SJT section of the test. Furthermore, these are timed, so you can practice your timings since that aspect of the UKCAT is such a pain for like everyone. You're not alone if you find yourself worrying about your timings, pretty sure a lot were and are a little worried too.
Secondly, make sure you imitate actual mock exam practices.
You want to make sure you get used to sitting this sort of exam in the two hours(-ish). So here's some online mocks I've found for you guys to practice:- KAPLAN mock.
- Pearson's Official mock practice (includes two full mocks and a short mock).
- Medify tester mock.
With them done and over with, some advice:
One or two weeks before test day
- Do practice questions everyday. Perhaps around a good 40-50 sets of questions from each sections will be a good amount.
- Plan your days. Give around 2-3 hours for UKCAT practice then make sure to take around 30 minutes to an hour's rest. Remember, you can't force revision or study if you're tired and just trying to cram things in.
- Do around two mock exams, but make sure to space them out during the days. You don't want to do a mock then do another one the next hour or so. You need to do a mock, then carefully review the sections you did, such as note down any observations you make with where you're going wrong and so on.
Few days before test day
- Complete most of the mocks available. Many say it's not the quantity but rather quality, but surely quality with quantity is better? You want as much practice with the UKCAT style questions, since you can't 'revise' much.
- Keep making notes and gathering common notes, meaning there's certain points you can sum up like for example, in the Abstract reasoning section.
Day before test day
- Keep one mock to do just to check how much you've improved. It's good to keep focus.
- After your mock, do small practises.
- However, it's time to keep calm.
- Make a list of things to pack for the test, such as glasses if needed, drink, snack (note, this food and drinks are not allowed inside test room, they are for the journey there if you feel hungry-test is two hours!), and most importantly, your DOCUMENTS!
Test day
- Before setting off, double check you have packed everything.
- You'll have to travel to the test centre. Some will be dropped off or either individuals will have to make their way there, hence I advice you guys to set off at a time where you expect to arrive 30 minutes before your test.
- Bring a drink. People can get panicky at times like these, therefore, keep hydrated!
- Go toilet. Self-explanatory.
Well, that's it for now. As per, if I find any other things that are useful, I'll try linking them for you guys. =)
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